Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dedicated to those who have no voice!

A lot of fathers grew up without knowing theirs.
You’ve got kids having kids not knowing it’s theirs,
Pitch lines and picket signs but nobody really cares;
A lot of enemies we have but don’t know who to fear!
Mine eyes seen the most on the blocks my heart’s filled with tears,
Please somebody hand them a book give
them success so they can experience the cheers!
My words have depth true; it makes you think,
but it still falls on deaf ears;
Let us rethink the birds and the bees
and teach them the difference
between apples and pears.
This world is evil and the situations we face
are never fair,
We’ve got girls styling short and
boys with long hair.
Read between the lines black letters on white pages just doesn’t compare,
So if a man hears let him hear.
If our mission is to speed to the future we’ll just race until the end comes near.
Where O’ where is our future
when there are so many men and women just
Seeming to disappear?!
This I thought so I decided to share,
An impression I shall leave; that many of the
Rich minded people are either aborted or lost on Welfare!

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